



网络与生活(Internet and life)英语作文 篇一

We are now living in an internet society. It seems that we are overwhelmed in the internet life. Newspapers are talking that the internet age has e.

Everything in our daily life can have relationship with internet: in the morning, we may turn on the puter to check whether we have E-mails from friends of abroad; then we can read some latest news from any websites in the world. To the internet users, there is no borders between nations. People can contact their friends wherever they are, as long as they are connected to the internet. After a day’s work, you may connect to the internet and do some shopping.

Internet makes our lives easy and convenient. So why don’t we turn on the puter and send a birthday card to our father?

网络与生活作文 篇二










网络与生活议论文 篇三



婶婶是个时尚、喜欢上网的人,自从她的淘宝店服装店开张后,整天忙得团团转,不是奔波于批发市场和快递公司,就是坐在电脑前噼里啪啦飞快地敲击着键盘,一天下来总累得腰酸背痛。可是每次看到她,嘴角边总是挂着标志般的微笑,说话的声音里也透露着那份乐呵呵的喜悦与得意:“现在的网络真是太好了,既能满足自己的兴趣,又能轻松方便地赚到钱,而且我的客户已经遍布全国啦。” 每当听到电脑淘宝旺旺上传来“叮咚”的声音时,婶婶总像被打了鸡血般兴奋地忙碌起来。看着她乐此不疲的样子,不禁让人惊叹起网络的神奇,并有一种跃跃欲试的冲动。


过度使用网络对青少年的生活方式、心理行为产生深刻的影响,并成为很多家长甚至是整个社会头痛不已的问题。曾看到过这样一则消息:一个少年在网吧打游戏,不吃不喝不休息,通宵达旦。第三天,因体力不支晕倒在地,抢救无效死亡。 这是多么让人心痛的消息呀!一个鲜活的生命因为沉迷虚幻的网络世界,不能自拔,就这样消逝了。我们也经常在网络上看到青少年因为网络成瘾,最后走上了犯罪的不归路;因为网络成瘾,患上了自闭症,走不出网络世界选择轻身等消息也不绝于耳。

对于网络我们一定要自律,正确利用好,取其精华,去其糟粕。让五彩斑斓的网络世界更好地为我们服务,带给 我们更多的便捷,成为我们了解世界,走进地球村的窗口,做到绿色上网,文明上网,快乐上网。

网络与生活作文 篇四






网络与生活(Internet and life)英语作文 篇五

i am writing this letter to express my appreciation for your care and guidance during the four years in which i was a part of your team .

before joining the football team ,i had little direction from you .apart from with you .i am much obliged to if is anything with which i can in ,please let me know .

yous sincerely ,rudolph deng hunting for a job through the into to choose this way are several reasons.

Firstly,people and obtain a large good job seeker may for several relevant vacancies from a job at the same time without worrying about losing the chances of being employed.Finally, you can spare much time through sending your resumes via e-mail as many as you can.And if so,you can achieve a high success rats as well.

Although you can benefits a lot from hunting for a job through searching the Internet,in my view,we also should pay as much attention as we can to get a job in this way.We should learn to calm down and select the most useful information you need for your job.Don't make a choice without thinking it over,In addition,we should make a judgement carefully the think you will get an ideal job.

Online Games

online games have become very satisfaction from these we some these games so their and academic .

argue that online games are They can train the ability of can their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly.

From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way.

When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. But if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.

With the development of science and technology.

The Internet and Our Life互联网与我们的生活英语作文 篇六

Open my beloved computer, under my father's patient guidance, I went to the Internet, I and the Internet composition.

The Internet is a global Internet. It can connect all the computers on the Internet, chat online, check news, find data, download files, send and receive e-mail, etc.

In the last semester, one time, the teacher asked us to find out about the "pump" explanation and use, we use computer on the Internet, find the relevant information, so the convenience of Internet, brings great help to our study, pupil composition "I and the Internet composition".

With the Internet, I can talk with the Internet, I know or don't know friends about their troubles, but also can say their happy things, anyway you could chat on the Internet can say, far apart from each other, make your life more fulfilling.

Sometimes, I want to take a look at the news of the day, we can go to the Internet to find, but don't bother to buy newspapers, the Internet can read all kinds of news, for example, some time ago, regarding 911 big news about a Canadian boy, was released on the Internet a fake photos, photos of the title is called "the World Trade Center at the last moment, finally verified, it is a production of computer graphics with a fake photo.

Whenever I want to find some important information, I get on the Internet, I can check it at any time. It's very convenient.

With the development of science and technology, the Internet is becoming more and more important to us. With the Internet, we can reduce many unnecessary troubles and help us in our learning and life.

网络与生活(Internet and life)英语作文 篇七

As can be seen from the cartoon, an individual is using a mouse which is connected with a computer by the iron chain

The vivid cartoon is based on the social reality Some classmates of mine spend much time playing computer games, chatting online and watching movies through Internet

It is imperative for us to solve this severe issue For another, we should encourage every citizen to communicate face to face instead of being fascinated with Internet.

The Internet and Our Life互联网与我们的生活英语作文 篇八

In this era of rapidly changing world life, there are different changes every day. Every day there is unknown knowledge, and technology is quietly changing the current situation of our lives. From the man-machine war of go, which has attracted worldwide attention, to various robot entrepreneurship competitions launched by Western parents, all kinds of robots have aroused the discussion that all kinds of robots surpass human beings and scientific and technological novels come true.

In recent years, driven by the mobile Internet, big data, new conclusions and technologies beyond computing, sensor networks and brain science, as well as the strong demand of the economy and society, artificial intelligence has been rapidly applied in individual industries. Nowadays, the Internet has become a topic of change of the times.

The Internet also plays a great role in our life. Every time we buy clothes from money, we have to go shopping with big bags and small bags. Even if it's troublesome, we're very tired. In the past, I saw some local specialties in other areas on TV, but I wanted to buy them locally at other costs, which is a waste of time and energy. But since the Internet has brought together all over the country, shopping has been done minute by minute, and there is no need to waste energy on shopping. The Internet puts goods from different places together and can buy whatever they want, which not only facilitates our life, but also creates commerce for some poor areas.

Artificial intelligence is also the credit of the Internet. Since shopping on the Internet, express delivery has always been one after another every day, and the phone keeps ringing, but this is not the most important. Every time express delivery is delivered to home, there is no one at home to sign for it, which is too inconvenient for us to come. However, if we deposit it in other places and are afraid of damage, what should we do? At this time, intelligence is a good helper. Now there is another kind of express receiving box. Every time the express can't sign, the courier will put it in the box, and the mobile phone will accept the express through the Internet. You can pick up the pieces at once, which is convenient and time-saving.

Other Internet is not only reflected in life, work and study, so every day the Internet is closely related to us.

网络与生活(Internet and life)英语作文 篇九

As we all know, the 21st century of the Internet. With the development of the Internet, more and more people begin to use it to enjoy themselves or do something special. However, every coin has two sides , the Internet also has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Our life has a great change since we use the Internet. We benefit a lot from the Internet. As for me, I am accustomed to going shopping on the Internet, which is a good way to save my time and money. Many people do the same as me. What’s more, the Internet makes it convenient for us to make friends and get people closed . We can also go through the news all over the world. The Internet not only broaden our view but also assist us to know more about the world . On the other hand , more and more teenagers are addicted to virtual world and they all play computer games everyday they want, leading to a terrible result.

In conclusion, we should have selective using the Internet and keep away from the virtual world. Don’t always use the Internet to chew the fat and do something meaningful.

网络与生活作文 篇十











网络与生活(Internet and life)英语03-22



The Internet and Our Life互联网与07-22














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